Monday, April 1, 2019

BVA106-Film Review-Wonder Woman

This weekend I watched Wonder Woman  for the second time. I can confidently say that it is one of the better movies to come from DC. 

First of all, I love the costumes for the Amazonians, they have actual armour that would protect them in battle yet still allow them to have mobility. 

Wonder Woman in this is the best I have seen, her armour looks pretty cool, although some leg coverings would have protected her more, but I guess she doesnt need them, she is Wonder Woman after all.

I loved the setting of this movie, it really shows just how old she is in the newer movies (perks of being a god I guess) But the setting is a  great choice, even though WW2 settings are used quite often, as it shows us how passionate Diane is about saving people.

The movie was still pretty good the second time round, I found that I still enjoyed it and found even more little secrets. 

Cinematically there were some cringey moments, but that is to be expected when one is trying to make someone look extra powerful. Some moments where the camera angle and shots didn't quite the scene, but worked enough I guess.

Overall, I still liked the movie the second time so thats good. 

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