Tuesday, May 21, 2019

BSA106-The Bicycle Thief Blog Research

Director: Vittorio De Sica

The bike represents: Hope, because with the bike he was able to get a job and there was a spark of hope for him and his family.
For the thieves it seems to be almost a currency, since they steal so many.
The man chases the bike like a pipe dream

The use of non-professional actors is not evident, this is good because it didn't ruin the film. But also mean't that it seemed more realistic, their movements and emotions weren't over acted

Character arc of the father: 
Start-A good man, 

Middle-A bully, who is desperate and uses others to take out his desperate anger. Tries to buy his sons love. , 

End-He becomes a bicycle thief and only escapes the charge because of his song.

Starts out as a jobless man trying to do the best he can for hims family. gets a job putting up posters. Bike gets stolen. Looks for bike so that he can continue to put food on the table for his family.

Sons opinion of his father: 

Start- He adores his father, looks up to him. 

Middle- Starts to resent his father, he tries to help him as best he can. his son is trying his best to keep his father happy, 

End-Son saves him from being charged, he doesn't understand his father or perhaps he knows why he stole the bike.

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