Friday, June 28, 2019

BSA106-Proposal Plan

For this class, I will be using my animation in BSA127 -2D Animation.

I will be incorporating my chosen pioneers (Halas and Batchelors) Techniques into the animation that I will create.

Thursday, June 20, 2019


This jump cycle was nice to do, I am happy with how it came out. I really want to draw different character jumps, something more bubbly and something more weighted and sad would be fun to experiment with.

BSA126-Run Cycle


These run cycles make me laugh. The side run reminds me of the Netflix Devilman Crybaby run cycle. Legs are the worst thing. I really dont like making them move but it has to be done! I think next time I will create a simpler more stubby cartoon character. 

Image result for devilman crybaby netflix run gif

BSA126-Walk Cycle

Walk cycles are hard to do, The 3/4 one is the worst one to do for me. I draw characters in 3/4 view all the time, but making them walk is hard, legs are the weirdest thing to move around.

BSA126-Posed to idle

This posed to idle loop captures how quickly Dolores changes between personalities. I think this is the animation I am most happy with.

BSA126-Posed Idle

This posed idle is quite simple, I would have liked to add more movements to make it all look more natural. Otherwise I'm still happy with it.

BSA126-Relaxed idle

I really like how the skirt moves in this relaxed idle. Overall I am happy with how it turned out, next time I would add more small movements to really push it further.

BSA126-Head Turn Around

Here is my finished head turnaround. I am happy with how it came out, but I needed more in between frames to really smooth it out. Next time I need to spend a bit more time on perfecting it all.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

BSA125-Evaluation of Animatic

I was super happy with how the animatic came out. It wasn't entirely to script but I got my main ideas through. Next semester I think I will have a more wholesome animatic created with simpler to animate and draw characters.

Im thinking of something to do with adventure.

BSA125-Storyboard for Animatic

I am really happy with how it all turned out. I think I might make a more wholesome one for 2d animation though. 

BVA142-Evaluation of Portfolio

I finished my portfolio. I didn't end up doing a lot of the things I wanted to.

I wanted to put titles and descriptions on some of the pictures, as well as some information about the theme itself. This all came down to time management and next time I will plan everything out to schedule out my ideas and execution of them.

I do like how most of the pictures came out. I think the next time I have to make a portfolio based around them I will chose something that is more compact and is more strict in what I can create. This would stop me from going overboard with my ideas and keep things more simple. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2019


These are the kalidoscopes. I used corel paint, and I dont like this programme. It went super slow after like 3 pen strokes. Wouldn't recommend.  For future classes, FireAlpaca could be used? It's free, and has a Kalideoscope tool, in ehich you can make it all go from one point and whatnot. It runs way faster than Corel Paint. 


My favourite photo is the mushroom castle. It was the coolest one to create.

BVA142-3D Renders

Using Maya and Mudbox was interesting and I enjoy playing around with it. 

BVA142-Digital Paintings

These are the digital painting for my booklet. I am happy with how most of them came out, except the shady snow market one, which I rushed. My favourite are the town made out of scrap metal and the snow nomad on the deer/wolf hybrid.

BSA106-Sing Street

We watched Sing Street for Max's Movie Monday. It was actually wholesome which is a new direction for Max. I really liked the music in it and the dynamic characters.

The whole montage-style with the changing style and outfits was pretty funny and a cool way to show the progression of the band
Image result for sing street gif

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

BSA106-French New Wave Slideshow Notes

French New Wave Overview

The FNW was influenced by Italian Neorealism, the realistic movements and scenery shows the streets of Paris with the lens of the filmmaker. A lot of the films created were low budget and therefore more creative and expermientive. 

The style of FNW is interesting, its almost as if they filmed real life. The films that came out of this era were quirky, original and more interesting than some of the big budget films that are out now. 

The films shared themes seem almost dystopian. 
It is interesting that the medium of film is constantly used to express a personal vision of the world, this seems to be a recurring idea in each new thing of film.

B films are pretty good, they explore more. The low budgets are great for creativity. I think I will watch And God Created Woman if I can find it.

The FNW really used their environments to their best ability, the fact that the scenes are unrehearsed is interesting. Since now they do re shoots and everything in their power to make each move perfect. 

Its cool to see a female director being so influential during the young years of this film time. She shows an interesting look on the world through the lens of her films. Also I love that her hair hasn't changed shape, just the colour (Which made me laugh a bit, since its white with a band of red at the bottom)

He looks like a guy who makes quirky movies. They sound like they could be an interesting type of film to watch. The trailer for The 400 Blows was interesting, it looks like a film I would watch. 
Jules et Jim seems like it would be a romantic comedy, but what makes me want to watch it is in the trailer when she just pin dives into the water fully clothed, I want to know the reason behind such a strange act.

It is interesting that both Francois and Jean-Luc were critics before becoming filmmakers. His style of editing is kind of annoying. I don't like how jumpy and shaky it is, it hurts my eyes.  

BSA106-Video Game History

Computer/IT History


Gottfried Leibniz, a German mathematician, invents the language of computers (Binary, it uses 0 and 1)


"The Turk" was a chess machine built by Wolfgang von Kemplen, A mechnanical figure would make a move of its own, but there was actually just a human inside the box pulling the levers.
Johann Maezael bought the machine in 1804 and toured Europe and America with it. It was later destroyed by fire in 1854.


Jospeh Jacquard built on the idea of Binary code. He created an automated steam-powered weaving loom that was guided by punched holes in cardboard. This is pretty cool, since it was like the beginning of computers.


Charles Babbage, a computer pioneer designed two classes of engine: Difference Engines (Strictly calculators) and Analytical Engines (A step up and for general-purpose computation) They were never built, but did spark inspiration.


Ada Lovelace created the first published computer algorithm.


US census clerk, Herman Hollerith adapts Jacquard and Babbage's punch cards, adding the new technology to electricity.


Leonardo Torres y Quevedo constructs an actual chess playing game.


Arthur Scherbius creates the enigma


Edward U. Condon designs a computer for Westinghouse display at World's Fair. It played Nim, in which players avoid picking up the last matchstick.


Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr and Estle Ray Mann, file a patent for a "Cathose ray tube amusement device"


Engineers at Manchester University found a way to store memory using electrical charges instead of paper tape.


Claude Shannon lays out the basic guidelines for programming a chess-playing computer in an article for Philosophical Magazine "Programming a Computer for Playing Chess"

Alan Turing, created the Turing test. This test is used in the video game Detroit: Become Human


"Baby" became the first prototype for the general-purpose electronic computer to be sold commercially (The Ferranti Mark 1)


A S. Douglass creates OXO


Programmers develop the first blackjack program on an IBM 701 Computer


Us Military designs a war game pretty much

Hack meant to be more creative than what's outlined in the instruction manual
It later became synonymous with digital trespasser.


Arthur Samuel demonstrates his computer checkers programme


Alex Bernstein writes the first-computer chess program on an IMB-704 Computer.


Higinbotham creates tennis for two.


Students at MIT Create Mouse in the Maze on MIT's TX-0 Computer.


John Burgeson skives of work to create a game and then employees his brother and creates the first-known baseball computer game.


Raytheon develops a computer simulation of global cold war conflict for US joint chiefs of staff. It was to difficult for them to use.


Three Massachusettes Institute of Technology creates Spacewar! on the unusually small PDP-1 (Size of two small fridges)


Computer game creates STAGE (Simulation of Total Atomic Global Exchange)


John Kemeny and Keith Bellairs create computer time-share system and BASIC Programming Language.


Dartmouth Student Programs first computer football game.


Ralph Baer, wanted to change TV from one-way box to interactive.


Baer patent "The brown box" (First console)
Odyssey was created by Magnavox.


Scientific American publishes the rules for LIFE in Martin Gardner's "Mathematical Games" Column. In this simulation, isolates or overcrowded  die while others live an reproduce.


Minnesota Collage students, Don Rawitsche, Bill Heinemann and Phil Dillenbeger create Oregon Trail. Which was a simulation of pioneers westward Trek