Monday, September 30, 2019

BSA127-Animation Update Part something


Image result for celebration gif

BSA127: Animation Update

Image result for stressed crying gif

We have like 5 weeks to finish this animation. Am I stressed? yes. Will I finish this? Absolutely. 
I have two scene things to sketch out and then lineart can begin!

I think the lineart will take me maybe 1-2 weeks to do. I am exporting each thing as it is completed. I cant wait to have this finished (along with every other project) and sleep.
Image result for pass out gif

When this Semester is finished, I will sleep for like a week or so. 

24 access is open, so I am going to utilize this. Time to bring snacks, drinks and a blanket!

BSA106:Assessment Stuff

So I realised that my original idea of using my animation wasn't going to work.

I still want to do something related to mental health and information. Therefore I have decided to create an animated poster that lists help lines.

My Pioneer is Halas and Batchelor. To incorporate them into my animation and experiments I am going to create a character styled after their Charley series.

My character is going to do a walk cycle that goes from a happy to a sad walk, I will screen capture all of my experiments and the finalising of the animation. The animation itself will be exported ready for the assessment.

I am going to focus of Anxiety and Depression as these are the most relatable for the general public.

They Happy walk will be bouncy, much like Halas and Batchelors Charley walk.

I have sketched out the walk cycle, I am adding in arms and transistions frames. I expect to have this done by the end of the week. I will be documenting it all in Blogger.

BVA103:Big Ole Post about project

This is where my project is currently.  I still need to make the body more twisted and floaty. Composition needs work.

I wasn't happy with the character, so I restarted her and made her much better. I really wasn't feeling her colours either. 

I got the dancer to this stage, but I don't think I am going to complete this. I will make Space Girl fantatsic so that I have one amazing piece to submit

This was the first draft sketch of the dancer. I like the pose. 

BVA103-Week 9 Task Analysing Evocative and Effective Research. Then Explaining how we work.

Define and Analyse the following terms

Effective Research (Problem-based)

Effective practice research pursues a solution (or resolution) to a specific problem that is important to a particular community, and it incorporates practice with the intention of producing an artefact that 'effects change'. (Jaaniste, L. & Hamilton, J. ,2014)

Evocative Research (Practice-led)

Evocative practice research is the research goal to generate artefacts that 'produce affect and resonance through evocation'. (Jaaniste, L. & Hamilton, J.  ,2014)

Use the above methodologies to explain the following exemplars research projects

“Visualising Resilience”-Effective, aim was to design digital tools to complement and extend established approaches to build resilience.
“in an other light” Evocative
“More than half a life” Evocative to be effective
“Designing Sound for health and Well-being” Effective
“Investigating the Bat/Human Problem” Effective becoming Evocative

Analyse where your own project fits within the Effective/Evocative paradigms. 

*Use the vocabulary learnt from the reading to describe your own project
*Reflect on what impact this reading may have on your project:

Refining your question
My question is: How can I Explore the Retro-Synthwave art Style Via a series of 2 2.5D animated pictures? I think that my question is as refined as it is going to get. 

Defining your outcome/artefact
The outcome for my project will be a 2.5D animated picture that will be displayed digitally via a tv at the Think and Create Exhibition later this year. 

Articulating your process of working
According to the definitions of Effective and Evocative research, my process of working leans more towards Evocative Research (practice-led). This means that I am working on creating an artefact that will produce an human response such as emotion or action, With the two artefacts I am creating I want people to respond to them both positively. 

Jaaniste, L. & Hamilton, J.  (2014). The Effective and the Evocative: A Spectrum of Creative Practice Research. In Barrett, E & Bolt, B.  Material Inventions Applying Creative Arts Research (pp. 232-243). I.B.TAURIS.

BVA103-Effective and Evocative Research

Light Reading: Material Inventions chapter on Effective and Evocative Practice Based Research. Edited by Estelle Barrett and Barbara Bolt

APA: Jaaniste, L. & Hamilton, J.  (2014). The Effective and the Evocative: A Spectrum of Creative Practice Research. In Barrett, E & Bolt, B.  Material Inventions Applying Creative Arts Research (pp. 232-243). I.B.TAURIS.

Summary: The differences between Effective and Evocative practice based research, how each works and what works for different people.

Evocative practice research is the research goal to generate artefacts that 'produce affect and resonance through evocation'.

Effective practice research pursues a solution (or resolution) to a specific problem that is important to a particular community, and it incorporates practice with the intention of producing an artefact that 'effects change'.

I work in the effective practice based research. Where I have an end goal and the steps needed to create it.

Summary of Sub-Headings

The Effective and the Evocative: A Spectrum of Creative Practice Research
This section is an introduction in to the terms Effective and Evocative practice research

Evocative practice research is the research goal to generate artefacts that 'produce affect and resonance through evocation'.

Effective practice research pursues a solution (or resolution) to a specific problem that is important to a particular community, and it incorporates practice with the intention of producing an artefact that 'effects change'.

The Effective and the Evocative as Distinctive Research approaches

A quick summary of the differences and similarities that each practice research has. For example, they may use the same kind of technology, fabrication or materials to create an artefact, but it is the three broad categories and how they are used that distinguish them. The three broad categories are

  • Differences in the forming contexts of the research
  • Differences in practice
  • Differences in outcomes

Difference in forming Contexts (Impetus, Questions and Aims)

This sector tells us about the fundamental difference in creative practice research that arises out of forming contexts. This is the impetus, motivation or trigger for the research project.

The primary aim of effective research is to effect change.The questions asked relate to this. To pursue the problem, one must have an in-depth understanding of the problem, its context and stakeholders in order to design the next steps, processes to design and develop a solution.

Whereas, evocative research is driven by the individual and wider cultural preoccupations. The context usually comes from from the researchers existing practice, which then remains central to the research. The research aim is not the pursuit of something specific and does not endeavor to provide a solution. The created artefact may not have an obvious function, rather it provides insight into, and contributes to the human experience (In broad terms)

Differences in Practice (Methodologies, Methods and Sequencing)

Contexts create the methodologies in which an artefact is created.

For effective research, a researcher may thoroughly analyse their contexts using ethnographic and social science methods (Observing, Interviews or focus groups) Information gained from such a practice provides a foundation for developing a set of guiding principles and processes for developing research outcomes.

When this substantial process of contextual research has been completed, practice may be initiated. The point of practice is to create an artefact that, as an instantiation of the initial research findings, will then be employed to enact or enable a solution. Then the artefact is tested in context using qualitative and quantitative methods) to evaluate its impact on the problem.

Evocative research, the research questions arises from materiality and advent of the practice. It is an ongoing dialogue between the practice, theory and topic.

Differences in Outcomes (The Artefact, Evidence and New Knowledge)

In this sub-heading, the production of new knowledge is introduced. It is fundamental to all research projects, as with out it there is no research only replication. Scrivener's (2000) article established some differences. Implementing the artefact in context allows the researcher to test and measure the efficacy and to evaluate the new knowledge produced. While the implementation of the artefact allows new knowledge to be tested, it is the knowledge invested in the artefact that is larger than this single instantiation, primary contribution to knowledge. In regards to "creative production projects" The art object does not embody a form of knowledge" (Scrivener, 2000) Scrivener's criteria for knowledge means it must be conclusive and measurable.

Knowledge is not only rational and empirical but can be philosophical, poetic and experimental.

Effective and Evocative practice Research Projects

Vaguely introducing two successful doctoral research projects from Queensland University or Technology.

An Exemplar of Effective Practice Research

An example of effective practice based research , Resilience by design: A participatory approach to designing and interactive digital application for promoting children's resilience by designer Oksana Zelenko (2012)

The project was problem based and contextual (primary school). Its research question summarized was: How can we effectively support children in acquiring resilience through and experimental digital application?

The aim was to design digital tools to complement and extend established approaches to building resilience.

It was not seen as 'practice-led' as it was only after substantial body of research that practice began. The resulting artefacts were prototype digital tools that presented a variety of interactive activities for individuals and children.

In both form and function they were instant ions of the concepts, interaction design principles and methods of participation.

An Exemplar of Evocative Practice Research

Hybrid Research practices that Combine Effective and Evocative Approaches

Harnessing the Evocative to be Effective

Transposing and Evocative Practice into and Effective Research Project

An Effective Research Approach becomes Evocative 


Interesting bits:

  • The context of the project creates the types of questions asked and research aims. These inflects the approach and role that the resulting artefact plays in the research outcomes. 
Unfamiliar terms
  • extrapolated
  • conflation
  • eliding
  • engender
  • empirical
  • irreducible
  • dichotomy
  • impetus
  • in situ
  • phenomenology
  • socio-politcal
  • ethnographic
  • instantiation
  • iterative
  • instantiations
  • exegesis
  • interim
  • efficacy
  • extrapolate
  • efficacious
  • reducible
  • exemplified
  • inherent
  • antiphonic
  • perceptual
  • delimited dichotomy
  • hybridity
  • instrumentality
  • axiomatic

I work in the effective practice based research. Where I have an end goal and the steps needed to create it.

BVA103: Blackboard Task Week 12

Old Post about project.

I haven't really been posting about my project. But here are snapshots of when I first started to the current state of my project.

I dont think I am going to submit the dancer. I think I am going to make the Space Girl the best I can and really make her stand out. I still need to Finish her and then 2.5D animate it.

BVA103-Update on My project

I restarted my picture and created a better looking character. I still need to figure out how to put more a twist in her body to make it look more like she is floating.

Composition still needs a bit of work to make the character stand out. Highlights around her will help to push her out from the background.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

BSA106-Video Games History Part 2

I used to play this all the time. In study classes I played this alot.

Good ole Sonic. They should have kept it has a video games and not the monstrosity of a movie. I have this  Sonic game on the xbox 360, my mum loves to play it.  
Image result for sonic the hedgehog movie

Games like this are very popular now with similar game mechanics( Age Of Empire, Civilization). Military games have been on the rise as well, with multiplayer games such as CSGO and the Call of Duty series.

Fighting games are really fun. FPS games such as Doom are very popular, I have Doom 1, 2 and 3 and love the games. Another game in a similar game-play lay out is Elder-Scrolls Arena.
Image result for elder scrolls arena

Blizzard has worked on this game and created even more, such as Overwatch.

My brother has a PS1 and I used to play Spyro and Crash Bandicoot. 

I have never played Legend of Zelda, but I have always wanted too.  Link's only dialogue is fight noises, absolutely fantastic. 

Everquest looks like a better version of Runescape. A game that comes to mind that is similar would be Elder-Scrolls Online. 

The Sims is a fantatsic game, I have Sims 4 and Love it. The only problem is how money hungry EA is. One of the best Sims videos is the Sims 3 patch Notes, it is so funny. 

25 games, are their choices great?
7-World of Warcraft. More Blizzard!
8-Shadow of Colossus. I know it is a well loved game, but I haven't played nor seen much game play of it.  
9-Grand Theft Auto. I was playing GTA-San Andreas when I was like 8. Still my favorite GTA game. 
10-The Sims. Great fun, also fantatsic for creating sets for animations. I used The Sims 4 to help me create my backgrounds for my animatic last semester. 
11-Star Craft. Never heard of it.  But E-Sports were created from games like this. 
12-PaRappa the Rapper. I have never played this but it is a meme. 
13-Tomb Raider. First Badass female character in a video game. For young girls, characters like show them that there are badass, smart and awesome female characters. 
14-Night Trap. I don't like it.
15-Doom. Love this game. The music keeps you upbeat. Although when you get stuck on a level it is infuriating.
16-Street Fighter. Fun game, personally prefer to play Tekken Tag. 
17-Monkey Island. No real opinion.
18-Tetris. Puzzle games will always have a place in my heart. I love solving them, the satisfaction of completing a puzzle is like no other. 
19-Mario Bros. Recognizable and a fun game. The presenter did over sell it though.
20-Elite. Never heard of it. 
21-PC gaming has entered the chat. A new way of playing video games mean't more people. Manic Miner, I have never heard of this game but I dont like the look of it. 
23-Pac-Man, when you think video games you think of Pac-man.
24-Space Invaders, A fun game for a short amount of time now, but back then it was able to be played for long periods of time.
25-Pong, It is the OG game that is the foundation of all video games. Simple, entertaining and addictive.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

BSA127: Animation Update 2

One more part done and exported! 6 parts to go, almost all sketched out fully.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

BSA124: Filming day one

We were unable to film sue to having no power sockets for lights, no bluetack and no proper lighting.

But we did figure out our setup, and mark where everything has to go.  We also did some fun test shots to see how it all looks at the moment.



BSA124:Stopmotion Update

All the backgrounds and assests have almost been completed (just have to cut out black paper for final layer, characters are ready. We are almost ready to film!

BSA127: Animation update

I have finished and exported three parts of my animation, Still have sketches to do but it is all coming along nicely. I hope to finish at least two more files and export them.

UPDATE: Exported another one. We are getting somewhere

Thursday, September 19, 2019

BVA106: Animation History

Old Simpsons looked weird and distorted

Ren and Stimpy is one of those cartoons that would receive a lot more backlash if it was created today. It is super weird and not child friendly at all. I think that John needed some therapy. This is some psychotic cartoons. Annnd it has a message at the end, of course, 

I've seen some of King of the Hill. Beavic and Butt-Head makes me uncomfortable. Although I love  the grandma, she is just taking care of these two idiots. 

Loved watching this when I was younger

Pretty interesting with them doing it all in Kabuki Theater style. I really liked this. It looks beautiful and the craftsmanship looks fantastic. That was a twist of an ending.

Of course this came out. People could make anything into a cartoon. Anything can become a super hero

This man is a walking disaster.

I mean I would be angry if I was a Duckman. 

Good old cartoon network. The old stuff was fantatsic. The Red Riding hood reminds me of Tiny Tina from Borderlands 2


Odd story but I like it.

Well alright then.

Seen this one a million times

What a cool way to display history. Its like watching an animation the has onion skin on.

Funky animation.

I love Gorillaz, the animations are just so cool and different. 

Creepy as usual.

Seen both, they were okay.  I think bugs life was better.

Some all, love futurama the most. Matt Groening's new show Disenchantment is great and I cant wait for season 2.

I think it was good, quality of video wasn't so it was hard to see. 

Looks kind of like 2.5d animation. Style reminds me of the game Dont Starve

looks great, wouldnt do it myself, takes way to much time and my brain would be dead. 

didnt see much but its probably interesting

Sad story, cute animation.

Tis Eric the Goldfish, didn't know it existed but here we are.