Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

BSA124-Class Stopmotion

I think that everyone did a fantatsic job on their stopmotion. Everyone finished!

I really like Edwin and Thomas's one because it was the most different.

BSA124- Editing

Image result for panic gif"

After Effects was surprisingly easy for me to use while editing everything together.

We had to export most of the footage again as an image sequence because there was some corruption glitches on one part of the footage.

I was able to fully edit and create our final product withing 4 hours.

I noticed upon watching back on the projector that there were some audio issues. But I was honestly done editing.

It took three goes to get the credits right and even now they are still to long.

BSA124- Shooting Update

We managed to shoot everything with plenty of time for editing. When editing the first part together I noticed that Bella's hands had been captured on the frames, yet Dragonframe didn't show this.

I spent around 2 hours editing out frame by frame each hand on photoshop before editing the footage all together.

It all worked out thankfully, we only had to reshoot a small amount so I am pretty happy about that.

BSA124- Final Blog Post

Bella and I have created a fully finished stop-motion animation.

Overall I am super happy with how it came out, especially since we got pretty stressed at the start when cameras and dragonframe wouldn't work.

This assessment took a lot of problem solving and learning to complete.

I did all of the editing on After Effects as well as the audio for both the animatic and the final animation.

Bella did all of the puppets and puppet movements.

During the shooting process I took the photos and helped set up the shots.

I also created the backgrounds using Photoshop. I originally planned to paint the backgrounds, but the materials didn't work out as the paint wasn't really fit for it.

Monday, November 4, 2019

BSA127: Final Blog Post

I have fully finished my 2D animation!

Okay so. Overall I am okay with it! I think that over the next few months I want to animate it in a more fluid and rounder style.

I think it would have been better if I had stuck with last semesters animatic, just because I had already got an animatic.

It all worked out in the end and I managed to create a full 2D animation before the deadline.

This class was pretty fun and I enjoyed working with Toon Boom once I knew how to use it.

Next year I know that I will stick to one plan and do it well. I will also keep up with my blogs, because that was something I struggled to do this year.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

BVA115: Comic

Finished my comic, pretty happy with it. I want to re-do it over the next few months, try different layouts and better action scenes. But for my first comic I like it.

next year I am going to use part of my story that I have been writing.

BSa106: What I watched and played this Week

Red Dwarf
Image result for red dwarf gif"
Have been listening to this while doing work at home.

Suction Cup man
Image result for suction cup man gif"
Bella showed me this and I love it.

Image result for minecraft gif"
working on creating a cave city

Image result for overwatch gif"
I have been playing Overwatch a lot. My plan is to get a play of the game with each character.

BSA106-Film Review Joker

Image result for joker gif"

This movie was absolutely fantastic in every way.

It was refreshing to see Joker in a new more realistic light where his actions and being didn't revolve around Batman.

Joaquin Phoenix is what I consider to have played the best portrayal of Joker. We, as the audience were made to sympthisise with the character, this film showed the more human side to the Joker character.

Unlike other versions of the Joker, he doesn't harm those who were more or less nice to him.

The colour palate was sobering, instead of bright clown colours we were given a more thoughtful and emotional invoking palate

BSA106: Citizen Kane review

5 minutes in and I have no idea what this film is about. I think Kane was a big shot who owned a lot of businesses?


people went from hating Kane to wanting him for Governor. Then he ruined political chance. Alright.

So far this film is boring.

Some of these scenes look quite flat.

This movie is boring. Its flat. Nothing has taken my interest yet.

This movie may appeal to older people. I have no idea what is going on.

I cant really see why this is called the greatest movie of all time. I suppose on a technical level it might be, but I don't really know enough about the technical stuff in this film.

BSA106: End of Year Blog

I enjoyed this class this year. Learning about all the different film techniques that have been invented and improved upon has been interesting.

The last assessment we did, the experimentation was fun to do. Although I was extremely confused at the start of it as to what we were supposed to do.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

BSA127: Update

I am close to finishing, It wont be long until it is done!

I will be so happy when this is completed

Thursday, October 24, 2019

BSA106-Presentation Reflection

I am happy with how my presentation turned out, especially my experiments since I figured out what I was going to do about 3 weeks ago. I had started my PowerPoint earlier, so this gave me the boost to pretty much just attach the information to it all.

I wanted to focus on mental health and character design. What I created was what I wanted to make.

I was happy with how I presented my presentation. I think I spoke clearly enough to get my information across to the class.

Monday, October 21, 2019

BSA127: Animation Update 2 weeks to go

We have two weeks to complete our animations. oh boy.

I think that I should be able to get everything completed next Monday and begin to put it into Premiere Pro.

I can't wait to finish this and sleep peacefully for a couple of weeks.

BVA103: Think and Create Project Reflection

I am super happy with how my 2.5D animation project came out for think and create. The picture went through three iterations before I could actually animate it in After Effects.

Creating the Poster
At first I had the idea of creating 3 different pictures, but as I started them it became clear that I was going to end up fully finishing and creating 1 poster.

I decided on the Space girl as it fit best with my Synthwave theme from my proposal.

Using After Effects
Opening After Effects made me want to close it again. But after watching tutorials and playing around with the programme it became super easy to animate the poster.

When I exported it, the compression level was way to high and the video showed pixel movement. It turns out that I needed to make the composition in the video size that I was exporting in. This fixed any issues.

I am very proud of my piece and I have learnt new skills in both Photoshop and After Effects

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

BVA115-Comic Update

Almost all backgrounds have been completed. I changed page 5 to make it a bit more exciting, currently linearting it. Then I will to the background and colour all the characters in

Text is the last thing to be done. 


I reckon I will finish this. I completed some more and have 3 big shots to go. Lineart is the most tedious but it has to be done.

BSA124: Feedback on class videos


I love the movement and models, they pop out from the screen. Lighting is fantastic and everything is highly detailed and lovely to look at.

Emma, Veronica and Migz 

Interesting use of the focus, Focus at the start needs to be a bit longer to establish the fathers drinking habits. The model and set design is fantastic. Very detailed. Colours are quite nice.

Sarah, Laura and Vieka

Shot 1
Love the character models and backgrounds. Colour looks great.

Shot 2
Quite fast, but looks like you can slow it down

Ben, Regil

Love the use of focus, set and characters look fantastic. The red lighting looks quite cool and interesting. looks like it will be great when finished.

Aaron, Akshay, Morgan, Alice

Interesting use shapes. The falling over character is relatable. Stabilizing the Armature in the joints will help with the walk. the paper man needs something solid in him to keep him standing. The current walk is very much like an anamatronic from FNAF.

Max, Melissa and Vinny

Love the designs. Story seems quite funny.

BSA106: Presentation stuff

So I have finished animating and experimenting with Halas and Batchelors character style, desgin and use of information as propaganda.

What I came up with was a short looping animation that has help lines scrolls down the bottom of it.

My main focus was mental health, specifically Anxiety and Depression. I was going to focus on DPD, but due to not using last semesters animatic and characters I scrapped this idea.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

BVA103-Think and Create Stuff

I am super happy with how this all turned out. Learning 2.5D animtion was great and Now I am able to make better use of After Effects and Premier Pro. 

BVA103:2.5D animation experimentation

So over this last weekend I have been using After Effects to create the 2.5D animation part of my research poster.

It took me multiple tries to figure out how to use After Effects.

Here are the tutorials I used to help me

I had fun trying to figure out the best way to use 2.5D animation and even used Toon Boom, which didn't really work as well as I wanted it to. 

Here are the 4 takes from Sunday. 

Take 1- This was where I really tried to figure out 2.5D animation

Take 2- Trying out different ways to move everything. It was to long (30seconds)

Take 3- Almost Final! Had to adjust the time stretch and forgot to reduce the compositions time.

Take 4-Final! Adjusted everything and moved the title to stay in front of the character. Now time to loop it in Premiere Pro


Media, D. (2018, March 3). SUPER SIMPLE 2.5D Parallax Animation in After Effects! Retrieved from Youtube:
Tutorials, M. A. (2017, April 28). How To Make A Video Loop Using Premiere Pro - Premiere Pro Looping Tutorial. Retrieved from Youtube:

Friday, October 11, 2019

BVA103:2.5D Stuff

I have decided to try use Toon Boom and After Effects to learn 2.5 Animation

this video is my toon boom experiments

And my after effects. I need to speed it up and loop it some how

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

BSA124:Stopmotion shooting

Second class day of shooting. It took an hour to set up the camera and I was late due to a job interview.
We managed to shoot two more scenes.
I am coming in on Saturday to shoot as much as I can. Hopefully I can get 4 scenes shot.

BVA103: Submission for Think and Create

ImageSubmitted my Think and Create form today! Now to get the poster finished and animated ready for assessment and installation

BSA124-Stopmotion Update

I took some of our shots, combined them and then took out Bellas hands that had accidentally been shot without us realising it as Dragonframe didn't show it.

I tried to use both After Effects and Premier to mask out the hands but then found I could import the video into Photoshop and use the tools to edit the hands out. I had to go frame by frame to find those with the hands and paint over then then blend the paint into the original video so it wasn't as noticeable.

This process took 2 hours to figure out and finish.

Monday, October 7, 2019

BSA127-Animation Update

I worked on lineart for some of my scenes. Trying to get all of it done within this week and next weeks

BVA103-Space Funk

I have to finish the title and then do the shading, highlight and details.

Then 2.5D animate it all before next work.

BVA103-Useful Artist statement tips

These screenshots from Agora gallery how to write an artist statement will be particularly useful.

An artist statement must be clear and easy to read, so no fancy fonts

I think that I will use these artist statements as inspiration and reference for my own. They talk more about the work then the person, which others seem to do.

Start off with a bang! Make my artist statements entrance different to everyone else. Keep it short an concise.  Use great language and match the words to the artwork. These tips from will help me to create a fantastic artist statement

Describe what the artworks means and how I work.  Create and overview of my work, Outline necessary information. Avoid Jargon, no one likes it anyway. Write in an 'active voice'. Proofread and edit over and over.

BVA103:Know Your Work Task with Emma

Emma's research project is a dynamic piece of environmental concept artwork that utilities depth while moving through the scene. The theme of her environmental concept artwork is a natural fantasy environment.

She is is using Photoshop to create her finished digitally painted layers and then putting them into Toon Boom Harmony to make fantastic use of the 3D tool to create depth as she animates a movement through the layers.

Her research project came to life from inspirations such as Concept Artist Sylvain Sarrailh. Emma wanted to create a dynamic concept artwork as she really likes concept art.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

BSA106: 1902 Film

I think that  iwould watch this. It looks like your typical indie film. The characters look like a bunch of diverse weirdos. 

I am loving the soundtrack in this trailer. Young Keanu Reaves. The man doesn't age, he just grows a beard and longer hair

Image result for keanu reeves you're breathtaking gif

I have no clue what the movie is about, but that also means that nothing is spoiled, Although It doesn't make me want to watch it. 

What is the start of this trailer, weird monologue for Colombus Pictures. 

One of Peter Jackson works that isn't totally weird. I would watch this film. I remember learning about the murder that this film in based on.

Love the bands names for the music. The jesus Lizard. 

This looks like an interesting movie, I will have to try and find it. 

Interesting, not sure I would watch it though

I love films that ignore genre tropes but still keep to the genres themes. 

never heard of this.

John Malkovich is a great actor and this film look super funny. 

I only just realized the face in her mouth and ive been scrolling this list for the past hour.

When you think indie movies, you think this movie. I haven't seen this movie, but it seems like an interesting movie.