Wednesday, October 16, 2019

BSA124: Feedback on class videos


I love the movement and models, they pop out from the screen. Lighting is fantastic and everything is highly detailed and lovely to look at.

Emma, Veronica and Migz 

Interesting use of the focus, Focus at the start needs to be a bit longer to establish the fathers drinking habits. The model and set design is fantastic. Very detailed. Colours are quite nice.

Sarah, Laura and Vieka

Shot 1
Love the character models and backgrounds. Colour looks great.

Shot 2
Quite fast, but looks like you can slow it down

Ben, Regil

Love the use of focus, set and characters look fantastic. The red lighting looks quite cool and interesting. looks like it will be great when finished.

Aaron, Akshay, Morgan, Alice

Interesting use shapes. The falling over character is relatable. Stabilizing the Armature in the joints will help with the walk. the paper man needs something solid in him to keep him standing. The current walk is very much like an anamatronic from FNAF.

Max, Melissa and Vinny

Love the designs. Story seems quite funny.

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