Thursday, July 18, 2019

BSA106-Cinema Vertie and Direct Cinema

The advances in technology over a short period of time are pretty amazing. It makes filming easier

 Interesting differences between both techniques, they have similar outcomes but very different methods. 

People react differently when there is a camera, it reminds me of a piece of advice. If you are in an argument, act like you are being recorded, you are less likely to trip up over words or say something you shouldn't. It feels more authentic when they are able to interact with the film-makers.

It felt more like a film that a documentary, there is something that feels unnatural about this type of filming. I think a documentary is better when the subject can interact with the film-makers. With exceptions to animals, but even then they interact. This type of documentary feels and looks like a badly written film. 

 Direct Cinema works for documentaries when you want more realistic reaction, but it only works if they don't know they are being filmed. With a concert this chaotic, it reminds me of the move The Green Room. 
 It is a topic that I would love to discuss with some people. To what point is it ethically and morally wrong? I think that you should never exploit a subject for the name of entertainment. The documentary about Dee Dee Blanchard has now been made into a Hulu orginal called The Act, they shouldn't be exploiting the horrors of what happended with Gyspy and her mother to create entertainment. 
Gyspy's Response to the show. 
"I am unable to watch The Act. However, I feel it is very unfair and unprofessional that producers and co-producer Michelle Dean has used my actual name and story without my consent, and the life rights to do so. Therefore, there will be legal action taken against the show's creators. I want to share my story and bring awareness about Munchausen by proxy, in the hopes that I can encourage those who might be experiencing abuse to speak up, because someone WILL listen. No child should ever be abused especially from their parent." (Gahllagher, Mar 20, 2019)
 This reminds me of the Stanford Prison Experiment.  
 Documentaries are great, I think that more movie studios should do documentaries, to break up some of the bad movies that come out. 

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