Monday, July 15, 2019

BSA127: Frame by Frame Vs Peg Animation

The differences between Frame by Frame animation and Peg Animation. I think for most movements in my animation I will be using the Peg animation, but for the more fluid movements where smear frames are needed I will use frame by frame.

Frame by Frame

The path the ball will take

The rough frames of the ball (Onion Skin Enabled)

Clean up of the ball (Onion Skin enabled)

Finished video of a ball bouncing using frame by frame animation

Frame by frame is good for my dynamic movements, so any fancy character movements will be done using frame by frame animation.


Used the same path as the Frame by Frame

The path I rigged out using the transform tool and animation tool

Onion Skin 

Rigged animation is good for more simplistic movements, I will use it for some walking and the movements for the Umbra Knight.

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