Tuesday, March 5, 2019

BSA106- D W Griffith Slideshow Notes

Griffith saw the potential of film as a narrative form and borrowed techniques from Porter, Guy, Melies and others.

Between 1908-1913 he directed about 450 short films. he created a false public image of himself as the sole innovator in the industry and the inventor of cinematic grammar.

he did bring a sense of speed and pacing into film. He used existing techniques to create a deeper use of close up's, cross-cutting or suspense, the use of fade-outs to express the passage of time. Giving him his own film style.

He insisted on rehearsals and reducing actors movements to create more natural scenarios.

He created films of different genres- Gangster, Westerns, Comedy and Romance. 
Deeply patriarchal director who viewed woman as either icons or maidens in distress. Also racist.

Created a film about the South during the Civil War with a large cast and a large unheard of budget at the time-$110,000

Released in 1915 with a running time of 2hrs 30mins. The film remains at the center of debate and controversy.

His films were based off of his own life. He was said to be a great director by the actors and actresses he helped to make famous. Mother wanted him to be a preacher, not an actor.

He worked as an actor fro Thomas Edision's film company. He then worked as an actor for 5 years  for Biograph before becoming a director for the same company. Disliked comedy. He was able to improvise at great speed.

He left Biograph and most of his company left with him. he got his own studio and a new banker. he uses blackface, as only white people could play the leads. Although there were many black extras. When he spent all his money on the battle scene, bankers refused him more money. he raised more himself. Asked his company to do without salary for a bit, the said yes. He paid them later.

His film Birth of a Nation created racist view in America. Klu Klux Klan used the film in recruiting. Created film as art and propaganda.

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