Saturday, March 23, 2019

BSA106-Film Review-The Lobster

While I can't say this is the weirdest film that I have watched, Crank-High Voltage currently holds that title, this film was interesting in its ability to confuse, amuse and disturb me in the running time of 1 hour 59 minutes. 

People in this dystopian society have to find a mate within 45 days or be turned into an animal of their choice. An interesting concept for a story line, which was then executed over a painstakingly long time filled with nearly unemotional dialogue and strange characters who one remembered by their 'defining feature'.

For the most part my face was screwed up in confusion, or open in nervous laughter as I tried to find dome sense in this nonsense filled movie. 

At times the movie felt very depressing, which was then elevated in a strange way with the seemingly comedic satire as it referenced very real idea within the society that we currently live in. 

It was strange and unsettling to find comparisons and similarities between the ideas portrayed by the characters in The Lobster and within our society. Such idea as everyone must be in a relationship and how many people seem to shun the single people. 

I think this idea is most heavily seen in Desi communities where any female over their average marrying age, who is single woman is shunned or made fun of by members of their community and family. I have plenty of real-life stories where people have been forced to marry someone they don't want to, or rush relationships to save themselves from dishonoring their family or suffering the backlash from the tight-knit communities and family. 

Overall this movie was interesting in its satirical comments and while I wouldn't watch it again, I would recommended it as a movie to watch if you want to watch something unsettingly close to reality. 

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