Sunday, March 17, 2019

BSA106-NZ Film/Animation Blog Research

Jane Campion

Film genres:

Her well-known films include, but are not limited to: The Piano (1993), The Portrait of a Lady (1996), The Water Diary (2006). She has created at least 6 films.

Her work was well received in NZ. Her film The Piano and Top of the Lake had great reviews. 

The Piano: Review
I once found something over-literary in this film. I felt it played like an adaptation of some forgotten 800-page Booker-shortlisted novel (it is actually from an original screenplay by Campion). And for what it is worth, I believe Campion’s masterpiece is her less well known Bright Star, from 2009, with Ben Whishaw as John Keats. But a second viewing of The Piano allowed me to see how unique it is (Bradshaw, 2018).

Top of the Lake:Review
"It's a very subtle thing and the thing my experience has given me is knowing that moment when an actor is cooked and the souffle doesn't explode, or collapse, or whatever," says Campion on a break later at the local Glenorchy Hall, the production dining room, where stag-head hunting trophies peer from the walls (NZ Herald, 2013).

Overseas both had similar reviews and ratings. Scoring around 90% on most review sites such as IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes. 

The Piano:Review
"The Piano" is as peculiar and haunting as any film I've seen.
It tells a story of love and fierce pride, and places it on a bleak New Zealand coast where people live rudely in the rain and mud, struggling to maintain the appearance of the European society they've left behind. It is a story of shyness, repression and loneliness; of a woman who will not speak and a man who cannot listen, and of a willful little girl who causes mischief and pretends she didn't mean to (Edbert,1993)
Top of the Lake:Review
Jane Campion’s “Top of the Lake: China Girl” is — among a seemingly infinite array of other things — a story about second chances. And while that theme is beautifully personified by any number of different characters during this six-hour miniseries, there’s a certain irony to the fact that this epic detective drama is built upon a foundation of redemption and regret. After all, Campion got it right the first time (Ehrlich, 2017).

I worried about the move from New Zealand to Sydney for Jane Campion’s Top of the Lake follow-up Top of the Lake: China Girl (BBC2). The vast, lonely beauty of the South Island scenery played such a major part in the first series. But Campion wrings a different kind of beauty, still cinematic though, from a seedy Sydney cityscape (Wollaston, 2017).

She has been nominated for 49 awards and has won 52. She has also won one Oscar in 1994 for her film The Piano.


Jane Campion (n.b) Retrieved from

Baughan, N. (2016, May 3) Where to begin with Jane Campion. BFI. Retrieved from

Jane Campion (n.b) Retrived from

Wollaston, S. (2017, July 28) Top of the Lake: China Girl review – Elisabeth Moss is totally mesmerising, again. The Guardian. Retrieved from
Bradshaw, P. (2018, July 15) The Piano review – Jane Campion's drama still hits all the right notes. The Guardian. Retrieved from

NZ Herald (2013, March 16) Jane Campion: Lady of the lake. NZ Herald. Retrieved from

Ehlric, D. (2017, May 25) ‘Top of the Lake: China Girl’ Review: The Highlight of the 2017 Cannes Film Festival Might Be a TV Show. Indie Wire. Retrieved from

Edbert, R. (1993, November 19) The Piano. Rogeredbert. Retrieved from 

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