Monday, March 25, 2019

BVA103-Introducing Direct Quotations

For this assignment we need at least 3 direct quotations

Use own language, keywords in our sentences.

Exercise 1

The economy is looking much brighter
"Millions of new jobs are emerging. Things are really on the upswing." (Frank Rank, writer in an online magazine)

The economy is looking much brighter, as it is "really on the upswing," according to banker Frank Rank. "Millions of new jobs are emerging" he asserts, which is having a positive impact on the country as a whole (Rank, 2017)

Frank Rank, a writer for World Economy speculates that the current overall world economy is looking much brighter, postulating that it is "really on the upswing" showing the positive impacts on businesses as "Millions of new jobs are emerging" (Rank, 2017)

Rank, F (2017, March). The state of the current Economy. World Economy, 23(4).                            Retrieved from 

It is more important that ever for Americans to forge a common identity.
"We need an identity that binds us together." (Frank Hairpiece, from a chapter of a edited book)

With the current state of affairs in America, it is more important that ever for Americans to forge a common identity. Frank Hairpiece, the editor of American Lives believes that in this devastating time America needs a common identity, stating "We need an identity that binds us together," His views are shared among many other Americans (Hairpiece, 2019)

Rank, F (Eds.). (2019). American Lives. New York, America: Potato Publishing

Animal rights represent the next stage in human moral development,
"If we don't change our ways, future generations will judge us harshly. We need to achieve a higher state of consciousness and empathy" (Yoshi Om, from a This American Life podcast)

Animal rights represent the next stage in human moral development. Yoshi Om, a speaker from podcast This American Life believes that humans do not change their ways "future generations will judge us harshly", he observes that the current human morality will have consequences, indicating that humans need to "achieve a higher state of consciousness and empathy," (Om, 2018)

Om, Y. (Producer). (2018, August 6). This American Life[Audio podcast]. Retrieved from 

Exercise 2: Structure these sentences to integrate the quotes more elegantly. You can change the way the quote is introduced, embed it into the main sentence, use a better signal word, remove some of the quote—whatever works, and keeps the focus.

Violent movies are popular for all kinds of surprising reasons. It is well known that they appeal mostly to teenagers. Holman Jenkins writes a column for the Wall Street Journal. He states that, “ teenagers swarm to horror flicks so the boys can demonstrate their manly unflappability and girls can demonstrate their vulnerable desirability. Boys and girls who fulfil these roles are rated as more sexually desirable than their peers” (2013, para.6). So perhaps horror films do not cater to a taste for violence, but rather to the desire to show off before the opposite sex.

Sociologists argue about whether or not violent television creates more violence in society. But maybe this strict cause-and-effect misses the point. “Sex and violence-drenched entertainment can desensitize a whole society. It can drag us down to the point where nothing is morally unacceptable, where nothing makes us blush. What happens to an unblushing society? Central Park joggers get raped and beaten into comas. Sixth-graders sleep around. Los Angeles rioters burn down their neighbourhoods and murder their neighbours. The Mendez boys blow off their parents’ heads.” Jeff Jacoby wrote this in the Boston Globe (2013, p.113). The point is that by overcoming our inhibitions, we lose an important protection against some of the terrible things that people are capable of.

It is a well known fact that teenagers flock to horror films, but it isn't because of their taste for violence. Wall Street Journalist, Holman Jenkins writes "teenagers swarm to horror flicks so that the boys can demonstrate their manly unflappability and girls can demonstrate the vulnerable desirability" (2013, para 6) So horror films doesn't cater to those with a tast for violence, but rather a persona desire to show off to the opposite sex.

In overcoming our inhibitions, we lose an important protection against the terrible things humans are capable of. Jess Jacoby writes in the Boston Globe, “Sex and violence-drenched entertainment can desensitize a whole society. What happens to an unblushing society? Central Park joggers get raped and beaten into comas. Sixth-graders sleep around. Los Angeles rioters burn down their neighbourhoods and murder their neighbours. The Mendez boys blow off their parents’ heads.” (2013, p.113) Because of this, strict-cause-and-effect method of perception, we have sociologists arguing if violent television creates a more violent society. 

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