Sunday, March 17, 2019

BVA103-Homework Task Week 5

Harun Farocki was a German film maker, born January 9, 1944. He was known for films such as How to Live in the German Federal Republic and Bilder der Welt und Ischrift des Kriegs. 

How to Live in the German Federal Republic: Summary
  • An oddity: a mock-documentary, satirizing West German life, from the perspective of a leftwing East German filmmaker.

His film How to Live in the German Federal Republic was well received by the public, winning the award Best Documentry in the German Film Critics Association Awards. Critics reviews gave the film at least 4/5 starts. Two reviews by the critics, Daniel Kasman on MUBI and Christopher Pavsek on ROUGE show how well the film was taken by the public. "The idea that we all need to get used to artifice before getting used to life is at once terrifying and hilarious—usually at the same time. The bare abstraction of such common elements of work and life reveals the fundamental strangeness at the center of participation in civilized western citizenship, and the further strangeness required to participate in it with other people."  (Kasman, 2014)

Farocki’s finest film… The montage builds not only series of associations amongst images, but also micro-narratives: pregnancy to birth to domestic violence. Kluge once said, in advocating for a renewed realism in fiction film, that a love story would be realistic only if it showed the abortion and break-up that followed. The power of Farocki’s realism lies in the fact that he tells such a story with actuality footage. (Pavsek, 2008)

Etienne-Jules Marey was a French physiologist, born March 5, 1830. He invented a camera in 1882 to take pictures of birds in flight and combine them to create a series of pictures to represent movement (The Editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019).

Some of his well-known works are 
Image result for etienne-jules marey
Flight of gull, 1886 - College de France (Naughton, 2002)
Image result for etienne-jules marey
The movement of a running white horse (1886), photographed by Étienne-Jules Marey (via Wikimedia) (Meier, 2015, May 11)

Eadweard Muybridge was an English photographer born born April 9, 1830. He pioneered his work through photographic studies of motion and in motion-picture projection. 

Some well-known works of his are:
Muybridge, Eadweard: Figure Hopping
Figure Hopping, series of photographs by Eadweard Muybridge, 1887; in the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution, New York City. (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2018)
The movement of a deer running. ( Editors, 2015)

Anselm Franke is a curator and writer. He is known for his projects such as Animism and works that he curated such as Taipei Biennial, Modern Monsters / Death and Life of Fiction (Anslem Frankw.

Thom Andersen is an American filmmaker, known for Get out of the Car and Los Angeles Plays Itself
Get Out of the Car PosterLos Angeles Plays Itself Poster
(Get out of the Car, 2010, n.b)
(Los Angeles Plays Itself , 2003, n.b)

Erhard Schuttpelz is a Professor at Univeristy Siegen.

Subsumption: incorporating something under a more general category.
Phantasms: something existing in perception only.
Clinical Positivism: scientifically detached; unemotional, a quality of being encouraging or promising of a successful outcome. 
Dichotomies: being two fold;a classification into two opposed parts or sub-classes. 
Neoliberalism: a politcal orientation originating in the 1960's, blending liberal political views with an emphasis on economic growth.
Brechtian: style of German theatre.
Computation: the procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods
Diagnostician: a doctor who specialized in medical diagnosis.
Dialectical: of or relating to or employing dialectic
Conflations: merging of two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc into one.


Anslem Franke (n.d) Retrieved from 

      Editors. (2015) Eadweard-Muybridge Biography. Retrieved from


Get Out of the Car (2010) (n.d). Retrieved from 


Harun Farocki. (n.d). Retrieved from 

How to Live in the German Federal Republic. (n.d). Retrieved from                                             

How to Live in the German Federal Republic. (n.d). Retrieved from                                           

Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003) (n.d) Retrieved from

Meier, A. (2015, May 11). The Scientist Who Shot His Photographs with a Gun and Inspired Futursim. Retrieved from


Naughton, R.(2002). The Pioneers: Anthology: Etienne-Jules Marey. Retrieved from                   

Pavek, C. (2008) Harun Farocki's Image of the World [Review of the film How to Live in the German Federal Republic, by H. Farocki] Rouge. Retrieved from 

Prof. Dr. Erhard Schuttplez. (n.p)

The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (2019). Etienne-Jules Marey. Retrieved from               

The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (2018). Retrieved from                                                     

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