Monday, March 25, 2019

BVA103-Brainstorm Ideas for Areas of Focus for Assessment 1

Identify and analyse the contributions of Muybridge, Marey and Faroki to the development of film, gaming and animation in A Critique of Animation. 


  • English photographer
  • His work consisted of photographic studies of movement
  • First photographic study failed due to not having a fast enough shutter.
  • Gave lectures on animal locomotion

  • French physiologist
  • Invented a high-speed camera gun
  • Created a series of pictures to depict movement
  • Invented Chronophotographic fixed plate camera with a timed shutter in 1882
  • Strong inspiration for Thomas Edison and Louis Lumiere

  • German Filmmaker 
  • Created many political essay films 
  • Explored 'operative images' in his films, technical images created for military and surveillance rather than public consumption.

Identify and analyse Anslem Franke's main arguments in A Critique of Animation regarding motion capture technology and the film Avatar.

Identify and analyse the terms "Uncanny Valley" and 'Complex' and 'Complicated' in Anselm Franke's 2014 article, A Critique of Animation 

Uncanny Valley

  • A theory first discussed and discovered by Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori in the Japanese journal, Energy in 1970
  • Mori's graph has several objects placed upon it with human appearances.
  • Anslem Franke links between motion capture and Farocki.

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