Tuesday, August 6, 2019

BSA124-Daily Post 5

Chris came in to teach us about camera work. We got into pairs within our group to work with cameras

There are more lenses for Nikon and there are remotes for Nikon.

Each group got a camera, battery and tripod out. Bella and I have Camera:05  Tripod:  both under Bella's name.

Have a look at filmotagosouthland.com

Camera needs to be able to be locked down on the tripod. It also needs to be compatible with Dragonframe

Use different lenses. We will use the D90 because they are the most readily available.

We will need one zoom lense for our close up shots.

no automatic settings at all

shoot in raw for better editing

FE error means aperture settings not right. Set to minimum (22 or 16 its in orange)

ISO-sensor sensitivity.
lower=less noise needs more light to expose properly
High= more noise less light to expose properly

Stop motion in controlled lighting and static figures choose lowest ISO for less noise

Shutter Speed doesnt matter with stop motion

Aperture- Medium setting are probably best. Depth of field adjusts with aperture

most time is doubling and halving

to change ISO hold ISO button glass and scroll back wheel. stick with 200

Front roller changes aperture.

Light bulb WB setting

Dragonframe doesnt need remote, but if not connected via USB to Dragonframe use a remote.

to connect remote to camera, hold mutli rectangle and scroll to remote icon

If soft reset, change quality back to raw.

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