Monday, February 25, 2019

BSA106-History of film and animation

Summary of pre-1900's 

Inventions started on the premise that the retina retained the image for a short period of time. The persistence of vision with regard to moving objects, 1824 Peter Roget created and published a book on this. Humans have been recording picture since cave painting time, where the painted the movement of animals and people. 

Walk and running cycles were often put onto bowl and vases, as seen with a 5200 year old bowl from Iran. The use of pictorial movement was very common.

  • The thaumatrope was created in 1825. Most well known for the spinning bird in a cage.
  • The phenakistiscope was created in 1841 by Joseph Plateau
  • The daedalum, meaning wheel of death was created by William George Horner, when it was patented in the US it was called the Zoetrope, meaning wheel of life.
  • The Praxinscope invented in France in 1877 by Charles-Émile Reynaud. It was popular until the Lumiere Brothers started to make films.
  • Eadweard Muybridge used 12 stereoscopic and tripwires to take photos of a horse on the race track to prove the theory of unsupported transit.
  • French scientist Etienne-Jules Marley chronophotgraphic gun to take pictures of movement.
  • Thomas Edison convieved the Kineoscope, his employee William Kennedy Dickson developed it further. The kineoscope is a box in which the viewer looked through the view finder and the pictures moved at 46fps
  • Lumeire Brothers invented the cinematograph, credited with combining photographic and projection device. Shot at 16fps, most common fps for 20 years.
  • Edison started to create staged movies as a way to create an economic push for more bizarre entertainment
  • Louis Amie Augustin Le Prince was an inventor of the early motion picture camera. 
  • Arthur Melbourne Cooper created what I think is a stop-motion ad for matches as well as the short film called Dreams of Toyland.

Summary of film and animation history between 1900-1905

  • Segundo de Chomon created the film The Electric Hotel  and created the camera dolly which is a camera on rails
  • Alice Guy was a french pioneer in film making and was one of the first to make a narrative fiction film. 
  • Edwin S Porter filmed The Great Train Robbery  and used the dissovle technique to switch between scenes.
  • Winsor McCay was the first animator and he created the animation Little Nemo
  • Cecil M Hepworth filmed Rescued by Rover 

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