Monday, February 25, 2019

BVA103-Parody Homework

5 Examples of Parody

What is parody? An imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.
  1. -Austin Powers (Parody of the James Bonds and similar movies in the same genre)
  2. -Gulliver Travels (Parody of travel narratives and a satire on contemporary England)
  3. -Shows like The Daily Show (renowned for mimicking famous political personalities, and this allows them to target what they think are unintelligent political and social viewpoints.)
  4. -Shakespeare Sonnet 130. There is a parody of the typical love poems that were written in that time 
  5. -Scary Movie (Parody of horror/thriller movies)

Questions regarding copyright infringement

In relation to my examples these examples parody a movie/literature genre type and/or societal and political viewpoints. Therefore these parodies don't really infringe any copyright. 

Austin Powers parodies the typical spy movies, such as James Bond. But rather than having a charming and handsome leading males that are typically seen in this genre, Austin Powers take this cliche and flips it on its head. The leading male is not attractive, yet the ladies in these films seem to flock to him. This film like a lot of parodies, mocks the genre and twists it into something similar but overall different. Therefore copyright infringement doesn't apply to it.

Gulliver Travels is a parody of travel narratives and a satire on contemporary England, not any original works as such. Just the types of work that have been produced as well the viewpoints of contemporary England.

Shows such as The Daily Show, mimic famous political personalities and you cant copyright a person. Although it does allow them to poke fun and target what they think as unintelligent viewpoints of politics and society. The comedian Trevor Noah, is known to do this on The Daily Show when it comes to individuals such as or associated with Donald Trump.

Shakespeare parodied the types of work, those being typical love poems that were written in that time. This doesn't infringe copyright because it is a genre or a trend of that time. Many people would have been creating such works, so to call it copyright infringement would be a waste of time because it would be like copyrighting a genre.

Scary Movie parodies the typical horror/slasher/mystery film genres. It mocks films such as Scream, The Sixth Sense, The Matrix, I Know What You Did Last Summer and The Blair Witch Project. It also pokes fun at the typical teen movie cliches. Because it does parody classic scenes from these movies, there could possibly be copyright infringement. But they made 5 Scary Movie so I guess they didn't infringe on any copyright? 

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