Wednesday, February 13, 2019

BSA125-Daily Journal


Today we went over the course outline and looked at some videos to do with Pixar, called Pixar in a Box and how they go about creating their animations.

We did 3 exercises. 

E1: Exercising our memories.

  • Write down a vivid memory and the emotions attached to it.
  • Why do you think this memory is vivid?

My most vivid memory is of the time it snowed after my grandfather died. My sister and I played outside with our 2 cousins, building snowmen, attempting to build an igloo and rolling up huge balls of snow in the paddocks.

The emotions attached to this memory are of happiness, content and relief. These are the emotions because I was happy to be playing in the snow and content in doing so, there was also a sense of relief as they day before had been filled with sadness.

This memory is vivid because it was a happy time in my life.

E2: 3 Favourite Films

  • Write down your 3 favourite films.
  • What do they have in common?
  • Describe them in a 'What if' format

  1. The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey
  2. Lilo and Stitch
  3. Spirited Away
All of these films are connected through the creation of relationships between unlikely characters through unusual circumstances.

What if a group of people lost their home?
What if greed took over?

What if a child's imagination was so strong it could be real?

What if two unlikely entities became family?

E3: Create

  • From your three films, which character to you identify with the most and why?
  • Where does one of your favourite films take place?
  • Mix a world and character from your 3 favourite films, what are some possible scenarios?
  • Take your favourite 'What if' scenario and create ideas

I identify with Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey. Because being an introvert such as myself, when adventure comes knocking at my door(In Bilbo's case, literally) I am reluctant to chase it. 

The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey takes place in 4 main location throughout Middle Earth.
  1. The Shire
  2. Mirkwood
  3. Laketown
  4. Mount Erebor
Lilo + The world of Spirited Away

A possible scenario could be that Lilo as to find Nani and David in the pig scene, just as Chihiro had to with her parents.

Or perhaps Stitch is Haku in dragon form.

"What if two unlikely entities became family"

Possible scenarios include, two people who have lost their families becoming a family (This can be seen in S2 of Netflix's The Punisher between characters Frank Castle and Amy)

Two people from different social status or backgrounds, e.g rich/poor or opposing religions, finding family in one another.

People of an odd nature coming together under unlikely circumstances (This can be seen in Titans, where a group of unfortunate individuals live together in the house of the doctor that saved them)


Worked on my story idea more, I now have a much shorter story than before. Which I will link HERE

For the last two weeks we have been creating a story and story treatments for our 1 minute animatic. HERE is the link for my story treatment draft 


Worked on the story and script writing 


Finished script and 3 1/2 pages long. Still a bit to long but better than 5 pages in length!

Handed in my assessment today. The poster and script.


Finished my pose and expression sheets. Now I will be fully shading my turnaround!


We started to use Toon Boom Storyboard, I already find this programme easier to use that Toon Boom Harmony, although that could be due to the fact its a similar layout. We started to storyboard a pre made script to get us used to using the programme


Finished the quick story-boarding. Here is the video and the storyboard sheet. I cant wait to use this to do the story-boarding for my animatic, I already prefer this over Harmony. 

Did some activites with Pixar in a box. 


Started storyboarding for the animatic. will post it soon


Nearly finished storyboard thumbnails. Will be condensing a few shots into 2-3 shots max. Nice to see the story come to life.


Animatic thumbnails are almost done. Fixed some shots. Will be using the Sims 4 to help me out with camera angles and floor plans  (Thanks Ruby!!!) This weekend I will get the animatic cleaned up and timed out as much as I can. Then I need to work on getting music for it and finishing the recordings for sounds and character noises. The one actual dialouge line has been recorded. 


I have been working on my animatic up until the 12/06/19. I am really happy with how it all came out. Some of the stuff in the script I didn't get to do because I couldnt think about how to do it. But then a couple of days ago I figured it out but it was to late.

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