Wednesday, February 13, 2019

BSA125-Story-boarding Plan/Research/Proposal

Animatic Storyboard Story idea

Number of Characters: 4
Number of Main Characters: 2
Number of Acts: 3

Setting: 1950's America

Overall Story Idea
Evil Personality kills the Father and Daughter, the Mother is convicted of the murder of her family. Court Cases ensue which all lead to her being thrown into an insane asylum. Ends with a zoom out of the padded room where it shows her information on a clipboard, displaying her mental illness. 

Characters (Names to be determined)

  • Mother
  • Evil personality
  • Father
  • Daughter


Act 1

Dolores stands in the kitchen, preparing lunch as her husband and daughter are playing outside. It is a perfect day. She watches with amusement as Amelia is spun around.  
Aeron sulk in her shadow, notices her watching them. You will never be as happy as them He caresses her cheek He doesn’t love you He will leave you, just as Caty left us
Dolores grips the knife, trying to banish Aeron away from her inner thoughts. The pull becomes too much, Aeron belittles her, and she gives in enough for him to take over. 

Act 2

Markus and Amelia come inside. Markus goes to wash his hands and Amelia runs up to Dolores. 
Aeron (Dolores) kneels and embraces her. He then plunges the knife into her back. Amelia screams, the knife is removed, and she falls to the floor, dead.  
Markus runs in after hearing Amelia scream. He sees his dead daughter on the ground. Calling out for Dolores he cradles Amelia. Aeron is behind him and plunges the knife into his back three times. Markus falls to the floor, Still holding Amelia as he bleeds out.  

Act 3

A passerby witnesses the murder and runs to the neighbors to call the police. Aeron hears the sirens and leaves Dolores. She re-inhabits the body, looking around she notices the blood and looks at her feet where her family lay. Dropping to her knees she cradles her daughter in her arms, crying as she moves the hair from Amelia’s face. She grips Markus hand and screams in anguish

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