Tuesday, February 26, 2019

BSA106-The Oscars

So the Oscars happened last night. I have never watched them and never will. It is a waste of time to watch. 

As we know the Academy who votes, is a small select group of individuals who meet the extremely limited requirements. 

As for the winners, because I haven't actually seen or heard of most of the nominees I don't have a strong opinion on the matter.

Rami Malek won best actor, which I think is great as he performed Freddie Mercury fantastically. 
Spider-man:Into the Spiderverse won best animated feature, again super cool. Never saw it but apparently it was really good. 

I don't have much of an opinion on the Oscars. Although the way that the voters are a selected few doesn't sit well with me. I think it would be more accurate if they took in public opinions and considering most people in the class hadn't even watched most of the nominees, if there was a public opinion then there would probably be better nomminees. 

Here is an interesting video by truTV (Adam Ruins Everything) on how talent doesn't win the Oscars, money does. 
This video was quite interesting to me as it shows how unfair these 'award' shows are.

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