Wednesday, February 13, 2019

BSA106-Daily Journal

This Journal will document what I have done in class BSA106 for Semester one


Today we went over the introduction to the course, looking at assessments and what we will be doing in this class for semester one.

Our homework over the weekend is to watch a movie from a list of about 300 movies. I have chosen to watch . I will do an analyses of it and create a new blog post for it, of which I will link here when done. 


We looked at the history of film and animation before the 1900's and between 1900-1905. Here is the blog post for that (When I get it done lol)


Looked at the winners and the nominees. Researched a little bit about how the oscars are voted on and who votes. The select few from The Academy have a lot of restriction in which they are able to become voters.


We looked at a documentary of D. W. Griffiths Birth of a Nation and researched a little bit about it. Notes and the Research Article can be found HERE and HERE


Lokked at NZ film and animation history. Chose an NZ film director of animator and did some research on them. I chose Jane Campion, the blog post can be found here


History of Soviet Russia Film. Blog posts can be found here and here. We also created montages which can be found here


German expressionism this week! Interesting to see how many filmmakers have taken inspiration from the film makers of this time. Blog Posts here and here


Surrealism film, its weird and doesn't make any sense.


Surrealism animation, also weird. But looks cool I guess


We went through the Golden age of animation and film. I am thinking of using one of the animators for my proposal. Maybe the guy who did Bugs bunny, or I might use George Melies. 


Handed in my proposal. Watched Singing in the Rain. It was pretty good, Ill write a review about it soon and post it


Bicycle Thief. I watched and wrote about the movie The Bicycle Thief. It was interesting and an alright movie


1920-1930 animation
1920-1950 animation
We studied the history of animation, a lot of new animation techniques came out from this. 


Video Game History. The video game history was cool and I found the Oregon Trail game online. 


French New Wave. The french new wave was a pretty cool period. I liked the look of a couple of the films that came from this time period


Finished up semester 1 blogs

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