Monday, February 18, 2019

BVA103-Daily Journal


A quick introduction to this course, created an About me post.
Read it here

Important Links


We went through copyright and piracy. I never knew how much piracy affected the creators and wanting to work in the creative industries really puts a spin on things. I haven't been one for piracy, but knowing more about it really helps.

I learnt new things about copyright, I wasn't aware that if someone commissions you for something that they are the copyright holder. Also that you have pretty much automatic copyright over your original work. 


An introduction to the library, databases, APA referencing and places where students can find all sorts of help. It was great to learn how to use the databases, as I have never used one before. Also there is a library cat called Scooter and I think that is fantastic!

For this course, I will most likely spend a lot of my time in the library. 


Critical reading of one of the articles I found for my Weekly Homework Task. I chose to do the first article and will put the images of my annotated and analysed article in a separate blog post and link it HERE when completed. 


We did APA referencing. Making sure that we had it right. The first assessment has been started, its an essay. We had homework, which can be found here and here


Unpacked our article for our essay. I have decided to focus on Uncanny Valley for my essay. This article is seriously detailed. 


Chose a definite area of focus from the article. Started to go through and explore the Uncanny Valley. Did an exercise on Direct quotations, will do second exercise for homework.


Started the essay and went over structure as well as an essay plan.


Worked on the draft, changed it quite a bit word wise. 


Got feedback on  our essays, will make a critique post about it this weekend. Started our new assessment

Started our new assessment, collecting material for it


Worked more on my assesment.

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