Wednesday, February 13, 2019

BVA115-Daily Journal

This Journal will document what I have done in class BVA115 for Semester one


This was an introductory class, we drew shapes and made them 3D. I played round with twists and shadows to try and create something that looked interesting

I also drew a milk bottle and attempted to make it 3D. Using a supply similar to charcoal, but it wasn't. I cannot remember the name for it


Digital drawing! Getting used to drawing more natural rather than characters. Today I drew a rock formation and a twisted tree


Figure drawing and drawing skeleton. Drawing people is what I do most of the time, but it was fun to draw a real life person and use an easel. Drawing the skeleton brought me back to doing my L3 Art board, in which I drew a few bones and skeletons



perspective class! This is what I did. We used photoshop and the perspective tools


Figure drawing. We practiced drawing figures using simple shapes and skeletons.


We drew ourselves, something I really don't like to do. We also drew other people in the room. I need to stop putting giraffe necks on my people!


Drew landscapes and backgrounds, played around a little bit with perspective. 


Today we painted a mural in groups of three. We used these oil paint sticks, I can't say I liked using them, I prefer using materials that I can get finer details with. 


Life drawing of figure. 


More figure drawing. Will take pictures and post them. Same model, but we used traditional materials. 


We got to use ink! drew some hands which are kinda fun to draw. Then we got to paint what ever we wanted to in ink. 

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