Friday, February 15, 2019

BSA126-Character creation, Biography

The template for this biography can be found here all credit for this template goes to the author max benz


Full name: Dolores Annie Jones 
Nickname: Dolly Age: 25(Start) 40(End) 
Nationality: American, Caucasian 
Religion: None City of birth: Prescott, Arizona 
The current place for living: Cedar Park 
Job title: Housewife
 Employing company: None 
Income: None 
Is he or she married? Yes 
Mother tongue: English 
Birthday: 15/07/1930
 Does he or she own a home? No 
What does the character like? To cook, bake and be a mother. She loves to sew and constantly do things to keep herself occupied  
What does the character dislike? One of her personalities, Aeron. Uncertainty.  


How would you describe the childhood of the character? Dolores had a horrible childhood. Between the ages of 5-13 she was heavily emotionally and physically abused by her mother. She had no father figure in her life and was blamed for her father leaving. At age 13 she was taken away from her mother and into foster care where she went through many homes.  

Due to her heavy abuse during her childhood she developed Dissociative Personality Disorder (DPD) Dolores is the host with two other Personalities.  

Aeron, he is supposed to be the protector. He is the first one, starting out as an older brother type but quickly became malicious in trying to keep Dolores away from anything and anyone (Could be seen as over protective, but in a malicious way)  

Catherine (Catey) She came into Dolores’s world when she was taken into foster care, unable to communicate in an appropriate way with the other children, Catey took over and helped her to fit in. She is 10yrs old and doesn’t age. Now she is like Dolores daughter, she helped Dolores to become motherly towards people and helped her to raise Amelia.   
How would you describe the teenage years of the character? Her teenage years were better, with Catey’s help she was able to learn social habits and manners. She began maturing but was still incredibly shy and distrusted many older women. She came to trust her longest foster mother, Rachel, who had gone through sexual traumatic experiences as a young woman. 

Rachel helped Dolores accept herself and was the first person to try and help her with her mental health (DPD wasn’t really discovered until 1968) At age 17 she worked as a waitress in a small café, she continued to work here until age 25.  
How would you describe the adulthood of the character? To start off with she had a wonderful adult hood. Still suffering from occasional panic and anxiety attacks, as well as personality changes, she managed to keep her job and get married at age 20 to Markus Jones. 

She had a child before her 21st birthday, a daughter named Amelia. She named her Amelia after her foster sister, whom she had grown close too, who tragically died of Smallpox. 

Dolores’s adulthood ended in 1955 after she experienced a personality change with Aeron, who then murdered her family out of spite, she was convicted of the murder and was sent to an insane asylum. 

During her time in the asylum she was mistreated and neglected. She became a broken soul and in her last effort to stop Aeron from taking over she subsequently ‘died’ leaving Aeron as the only host of the body. (Catey ‘died’ along with Dolores) ‘Dolores’ died at age 55 from malnutrition and neglect 


What’s the role of the character in the story? Dolores is the main character in Happier Days, she is the convicted murderer who suffers from DPD. She is the main character and we follow her story from birth to death. How is the character introduced? She is introduced from the day of the murders, where we see her preparing lunch for her family. Here we see something different about her, as her other personality Catey can faintly be seen playing with Amelia and Markus (Dolores projects her into the scene).  What’s the first time she is mentioned in the story? At the start, her name is said when Markus calls out for her while cradling Amelia’s body in his arms. 


Sisters or brothers: Many foster siblings, most notably is Amelia whom Dolores was the closest to. 
Wife or husband: Markus Jones (Dead)  
Children: Amelia (Dead) 
Grandparents: Unknown 
Grandchildren: None 
Other important persons: Aeron (Personality) and Catherine/Catey (Personality) 
Relationships with other characters of the story: Rachel Jane- Foster mother, only person she trusted until her death in the asylum. Amelia Jane-Foster sibling, best friend. Aeron- personality, doesn’t trust him and hates him. Catey-Personality, loves her like a daughter.  
[Character 1] Aeron 
[Character 2] Catherine/Catey 
[Character 3] Rachel Jane
 [Character 4] Amelia Jane 


Bad Habits: Compulsive cleaner, 
Color of Eyes: Gold/brown  
The color of Hair: Dark brown 
The color of Skin: White, Ashen grey in end 
Dialect: English, American  
Does the character drink regularly? No 
Does the character have any disabilities? DPD 
Does the character prefer any proverbs? No 
Does the character smoke? No
 Good Habits: Cares for her family, good work ethic 
Height: 5.7 
Hobbies: cooking, cleaning, reading, sewing, embroidery 
Is he/she wearing Glasses? No  
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases? No, but she does suffer from DPD, anxiety and panic attacks as well as bouts of depression 
Type of Face: Inverted triangle 
Weight: 73kg 
What’s the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): 1950’s female, housewife. 


Education: Basic  Intelligent or not? In the middle Fears: Losing her family, the dark, being idle, Aeron Life Goals (next 5 years): Have another child.  Life Goals (next 25 years): to be cured of her mental illnesses Self-perception:  Low self-esteem, constantly tries to keep everyone happy Assumed external perception: Confident, loving mother  Self-Confidence: Low Rational Or Emotional: Emotional How could you upset this character? By belittling her, making her feel lonely, be upset at her.  


What are emotional strengths of the character? She is kind and caring 
What are emotional weaknesses of the character? Needs to be approved by everyone, gets upset easily. 
Is the character an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert  
How does the character cope with fury and rage? Not well, shuts down and goes silent. It can take days to coax her out 
-with unhappiness? Can’t handle it 
-with rivalry? Can’t handle it 
-with new situations? Depends on the support she has while dealing with it all 
-with trouble? Can’t handle it 
What’s his or her meaning of life? To be a loving mother and wife.  
What would the character like to change in his/her life? Her up-bringing and childhood, she doesn’t remember much before the foster homes  
What things motivate the character? Her daughter and husband 
What situations scares the character? Anything involving Aeron. Stressful situations
 What makes this character happy? Her family and her job. 
Is the character often biased? No, she grew up with many people from different places of birth 
Does the character prefer to give or to take? To give, she is reluctant to accept anything given to her. 
Is the character rather nice or rude? Extremely nice, doesn’t like to upset anyone 

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