Friday, February 15, 2019

BSA126-Daily Journal


Started to design my character, Dolores Annie Jones for this class. I will also be using this character and her story for my animatic/animation.

Here are some designs for both Dolores and the other characters for the animatic.

The basic story for Dolores is that she is a young woman, 25 years, living in 1950's America. She suffers from a small range of mental illnesses, DPD-Dissociative personality disorder, depression, anxiety and panic attacks; due to her rough childhood where she experienced sexual abuse from her mother at a young age (which she doesn't remember) 

One of her personality's, Aeron murders her family and she is convicted of the murder and sent to an insane asylum.


Wrote out her backstory, changed a few things. Such as the abuse she suffered from, rather than it being sexual abuse I have changed it to heavy emotional and physical abuse. Started doing more poses, created a look for Aeron. 


We did an animation of a bird flying! Using Toon Boom is strange, any small animations I have ever done I've done on Firealpaca. So getting used to a whole new program will take a bit of time. I find that it has a bit of a strange layout, but it's like going somewhere new! I just have to remember the paths! 

Here is the animation that I did in class. One frame is slightly different from the rest because I somehow accidentally deleted it and had to redo it (Whoops) but other than that, I am pretty happy with it!


Today I presented my character proposal. It went well considering I get quite nervous when speaking about something I created. If I could do it again, I would explain DPD more and Dolores's alters. In future, I should edit my slides down a bit more so that I am not repeating myself. 

Here is the entire presentation!


We finished presentations. 

We also went through colour theory and started to make colour palates for our animatics.
These are the resources that we used.

Colour Theory Links Toon Boom Learn - Colour Styling 

No Film School: How a Film Color Palette Can Make You a Better Filmmaker


I have been working on my turnaround, poses and expressions.


This the current backstory and Bio for my character Dolores Jones


Full name: Dolores Annie Jones Nickname: Dolly Age: 25(Start) 40(End) Nationality: American, Caucasian Religion: None City of birth: Prescott, Arizona The current place for living: Cedar Park, Texas, America Job title: Housewife Employing company: None Income: None Is he or she married? Yes Mother tongue: English Birthday: 15/07/1930 Does he or she own a home? No What does the character like? To cook, bake and be a mother. She loves to sew and constantly do things to keep herself occupied  What does the character dislike? One of her personalities, Aeron. Uncertainty. 

How would you describe the childhood of the character? Dolores had a horrible childhood. Between the ages of 5-13 she was emotionally and physically abused by her mother. She had no father figure in her life and was blamed for her father leaving. At age 13 she was taken away from her mother and into foster care where she went through many homes. The longest time she spent in one home was 4 years, where she ended up being adopted by her foster mother, Rachel; who at the time had a daughter the same age as Dolores called Amelia. 
Due to her sexual abuse during her childhood she developed Dissociative Personality Disorder (DPD) Dolores is the host with two other alters, Aeron and Caty. Along with DPD, she suffers from anxiety and panic attacks as well as depression. To combat these mental illnesses, she must be constantly doing something and be reassured. If she becomes idle, she panics about the possibility of Aeron taking over. 
Aeron, he is supposed to be the protector. He is the first one, starting out as an older brother type but quickly became malicious in trying to keep Dolores away from anything and anyone (Could be seen as over protective, but in a malicious way)  
Caty, she came into Dolores’s world when she was taken into foster care, unable to communicate in an appropriate way with the other children, Caty took over and helped her to fit in. She is 10yrs old and doesn’t age. Now she is like Dolores daughter, she helped Dolores to become motherly and kind towards people and helped her to raise Amelia.  Caty would take over when Dolores couldn’t understand what Amelia wanted.  
How would you describe the teenage years of the character? Her teenage years were better, with Caty’s help she was able to learn social habits and manners. She began maturing but was still incredibly shy and distrusted many older women. She came to trust her longest foster mother, Rachel, who had gone through sexual traumatic experiences as a young woman. Rachel helped Dolores accept herself and was the first person to try and help her with her mental health (DPD wasn’t really discovered until 1968) At age 17 she worked as a waitress in a small cafĂ©, she continued to work here until age 20.   
How would you describe the adulthood of the character? To start off with she had a wonderful adult hood. Still suffering from occasional panic and anxiety attacks, as well as personality changes, she managed to keep her job and get married at age 20 to Markus Jones. She had a child before her 21st birthday, a daughter named Amelia. She named her Amelia after her foster sister, whom she had grown close too, who tragically died of Smallpox. She left her job at age 20 to raise her daughter and be a housewife. Dolores’s adulthood ended in 1955 after she experienced a personality change with Aeron, who then murdered her family out of spite, she was convicted of the murder and was sent to an insane asylum. 
During her time in the asylum she was mistreated and neglected. She became a broken soul and in her last effort to stop Aeron from taking over she subsequently ‘died’ leaving Aeron as the only host of the body. (Caty ‘died’ along with Dolores) ‘Dolores’ died at age 55 from malnutrition and neglect 


Finished my assessment. Have a post about it.


Handed in my assessment, made a few small changes to the pictures.


Today we started to look at the principles of animation, we did small animation with moving ball. 


Ease Out

Ease In


More animations, have done some of my head turn around and relaxed idle and posed idle. Will finish all this weekend hopefully.


Relaxed Idle line-art is done, posed is being worked on, have the transition frames sketched out. Head turnaround is coming along.

Started the jump cycle, Hopefully I can get these done in the next week.


Started walk cycles, who knew that making arms move in a walk cycle would be  so weird to draw. Almost have the sketch for the side view done, did some of the front as well. There is a reason most characters are drawn in 3/4 view! Straight on is getting weird to draw. Im going to work on the animation this weekend. I will get the jump cycle and head turn done this weekend. 


Made a lot of progress on my walk cycle.


Im terrible at keeping up with blogs so here is an update. I have started every animation and just need to finish 4 or 5, I have posted the animations I have done so far, I know that I will get this assessment done in time.


I have finished my assessment. I finished all animations on 19/06/19. Next semester I will really keep up with my blogs. And instead of putting daily things into one post I will do separate posts. 

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